What's New
Release date: 8/8/23
Our UC2 range is expanding with a new version of Fuel Soft being available with Universal Connector 2
Covenant Reports can now be accessed after the bug was remediated.
Years to extract Selection
From the last release, we offer the ability to restrict the years extracted from Xero via API. You are now able to do so via the portal front end when editing an engagement. The front end, the same as the API, allows you to restrict the years extracted from our connector Xero. The current financial year is the smallest increment you can choose. You are able to restrict years extracted per engagement, allowing larger customers to be onboarded. Same as the API the super Admin can set a maximum of year that cannot be overwritten by the other staff users. The feature is currently only available for our Xero connector, helping larger Xero customers combat API restrictions.
Please note that with the changes made to the Xero connector, we are now taking a direct image of the API for the Trial Balance rather than building it up from the transactional level. From now on filtering for synthetic transactions will no longer be necessary from data uploads by Xero.
Overdue Reports
We have introduced an additional report allowing clients to extract overdue aged AR and AP reports in our last release. From this release, you are able to see a new aging parameter called ‘overdue’ on the front end, which filters the front-end view with overdue aged receivables or aged payables. Additionally, you will be able to drill into the receivables and payables double-entry view.
The Payables open items list was missing the ‘due’ column, which has now been streamlined.
Resend Invites
You can now trigger to resend an invite for SMEs if the invite is still pending. This allows staff users to manage invites better through their engagement screen.
Our LedgerSync product has now a multi-step progress bar, making it easier to understand which stages have been completed and which stages are still outstanding.
Covenant Cards
You can now delete covenant cards from the detailed view.
MS Dynamics GP
Dashboard Report errors have now been remediated.
0auth issues have now been remediated.
Universal Connector 2 MS BC 365 files can now be uploaded without any issues
DataShare can now successfully process single transactions with values of more than 10.000,000.00
Netsuite extraction updated to exclude unnecessary records, to ensure extraction completion
Xero Future Dates
After implementing the selective data extraction changes, future transactions within Xero caused an issue putting the wrong financial period on the balance records when the upload contained future dates. This has caused TB imbalances. We have changed the Xero specification to allow stored procedures to handle future transactions and correctly put the financial period on the balance records, omitting imbalances and reflecting the native correctly, especially when selective data extraction is in place.
After implementing the selective data extraction changes submitting two or more PaymentTypes values requests to Xero native is causing the connector extraction to fail. We have implemented a solution to call once for each year and payment type starting from the SDP cutoff date to ensure the extraction will be successful.
E-Mail Templates Regression: Clients cannot amend email templates that include a hyperlink.
Reconciliation Bugs
The receivables movements report can now be downloaded successfully, this issue was data-specific.
Debtor Currency on Reserve Tab switched from GBP to USD:
The notified balance of all debtors in the base currency ledger is now shown in the base currency regardless of the transaction currency.
Non-notified debtors were showing wrongly as part of notified debtors has now been remediated
When uploading data via Opera 3 notified transactions became unticked due to issues with the currency ledgers. This has now been remediated and invoices stay ticked and can be ticked and unticked.