What's New
Release date: 31/10/23
Selective Data
We are releasing MS GP selective data functionality to our clients with this release. Allowing staff users to specify the years extracted per portal and per engagement if required.
We currently support selective data functionality for Xero, MS Dynamics BC 365, and MS GP. QBO will be released in the next sprint.
MS GP historically extracted the TB rather than the transactional level detail, hence there are downstream data implications when using selective data.
We have a new overall functionality to switch selective data on and off, allowing us to fall back to the standard connector making troubleshooting easier and more convenient.
Microsoft Great Plains
Microsoft GP now supports selective data, please contact the product team should you require this feature.
Covenant Monitoring
Staff users can now download a portfolio breach report making it easier to check which clients are in breach, via one click.
Fuel Gauges visually indicate how far the customer is away from a breach or by how much they are in breach.
Reminder Emails
If a customer has a scheduled invite set, reminders will not be sent before the invite email has been sent.
The Epicor vendor Logo has been added to the Connector drop-down.
The user is able to select either an On-Server configuration or an Epicor Kinetic Client configuration as the system to Upload from.
Universal Connector
The information text was initially set to take on the primary color of the portal. Due to this causing issues when clients had red as a primary color, we have universally changed the information banner to show in soft grey.
Fingerprint OGL/Profit Plus
Minor update to the ‘Success’ page
The text changed from “File Upload Success” to “Upload in progress"
The “Proceed to Reconciliation” button was removed
Sage 100
Upgrade to the latest 2.52 common version.
Upgraded to the latest 2.52 common version.
Sage 100 Contractor
Upgrade to the latest 2.52 common version.
Version upgrade to 2024.
Universal Connector
Fingerprint BC 365 upload failures have been remediated.
Fingerprint SAP 2 debtors were merged on reconciliation wrongly, which has now been remediated.
Password Reset Link
Bugs in the reset password feature have been remediated.
Validis Interface
Edit engagements functionality showed some minor issues, which have been remediated.
The reconciliation page outlined a bug when clicking on continue the user wasn’t redirected back into the reconciliation.
Adjustment to credits as previously showing debits.
Upload aborted due to the upload not having a parent as a valid column in their accounting_period table - we have prevented this error by excluding the parent from the select.