What's New
Release date: 22/04/24
Covenant Monitoring
We are not showcasing the total sum of reserves if several breached debtors are present.
SAP Business One (on-premise) is now available for Beta testing.
Reports can now be generated correctly when the end date falls on the 29th of February
Dynamics GP
An issue where large file sizes prevented the upload from being processed has been fixed.
Sage 300
A processing issue where 0 value GL movements were causing the upload to fail has been fixed.
The extraction process has been updated to make it more reliable.
The SSO ID field is now auto-populated without having to untick the “Use email unique SSO ID” box.
We have updated how we present contras in our Reconciliation report for better consistency.
Aged Receiveable report generation issues have been resolved
MS Dynamics BC 365
The extraction timeout issue was resolved.
Inter-company-dependent journals are now reflected correctly when multiple entities are uploaded.