When testing A/R cash transactions, there can be difficulty matching a payment that is allocated to several invoices. Within Validis you can easily see the allocation for A/R cash transactions.
Step 1 - Under the Receivables Ledger select the "Receivables Ledger Control" to get a detail of all cash payments.
Step 2 - Within the "Receivables Ledger Control", you can look at cash transactions for a specific month by clicking on that month or you can look at all transactions for the year by clicking on the total balances at the bottom of the report.
Step 3 - Select the "Cash" box at the top of the report to see a list of all cash transactions that occurred for the selected period.
Step 4 - Using the Filter function or by looking for a specific payment or invoice, select the transaction that you would like to view.
Step 5 - Within the transaction details, you are able to see the allocation of the payment among several invoices. See example below for a $165,130 payment that was applied to 3 invoice balances.