Reconciling Items
Any remaining reconciling items should be entered here including any discounts, adjustments, and write-offs not previously identified. Credit items would also be included here, such as write-backs.
For intercompany journals, please complete a Credit/Debit Item on the corresponding ledgers, including any details of currency sales (if required).
Click the + Reconciling Item button to add a new item.
A pop-up window will appear, complete the form then click Save.
You will need to complete all the details listed below:
- The Reconciliation Ledger
- The Debtor this relates to (if multiple debtors select Other)
- The Amount
- The Date
- The related comment is in the Details text box.
Repeat the above steps to record all remaining reconciling items. Once created, a summary of the reconciling items will be displayed and the table in the top-left will be updated to reflect the changes.
The details can be viewed by selecting Show Details.
To amend the item, click the ellipsis on the right of the page. This will display a menu where you can Edit or Delete the reconciling item.
After all items have been recorded, click Save and Continue to proceed to the next step.