Before attempting to share your accounts using Validis Connect, please ensure the following:
- You have an MYOB Account and you can access the data you wish to share.
- You are online and connected to the internet.
- You know the User ID and Password that can access your MYOB data.
You may need to ask your IT department for some of the above information.
Validis Connect for MYOB
Upon clicking Sign In you will be prompted to follow the MYOB authentication process.
You will receive a code to the email address entered previously. Once you have entered the code, click Verify to proceed to the next step.
The first time you connect to Validis you will be given information about who accesses your account.
The white space will detail your Financial Institution's name. To continue sharing the data with the named institution click Allow Access.
All companies associated with the account will now be shown. Select the Company that contains the data you wish to share. Please note, that only one company can be selected per engagement.
Companies that are greyed out indicate versions we do not support such as Account Right, hence they cannot be selected.
Once you have selected the company, click Submit and the data will be extracted.
You will now be brought back to the home screen where you can monitor the status of your share.