Additional Upload Information
When uploading for an Engagement on the Validis Portal users are able to provide additional upload information.
Depending on the settings configured for this functionality the user performing the upload will be asked to provide additional information through a combination of two options:
First Option
- Positive or Negative answer to a question
- Date Selection
Second Option
- Supporting commentary
Please note that to use this functionality on your Validis Portal the 'Additional Upload Information' product needs to be added to your Validis Portal.
To add this product to your Validis Portal please speak to your Validis Account manager.
Activating Additional Upload Information on your Portal
Once this product has been added to your portal you will need a Client Admin to activate and configure the fields for the Additional upload information.
Once you have logged into your Validis Portal please go to Settings.
In Portal Settings, click on Additional Upload Information.
Configuring the Additional information fields
First Option
Additional info Question - A Question for the Positive and Negative answer labels should populate this field
Additional info Date Selection - A date selection field will appear for the user performing an upload when the positive answer label is selected. The contents added to this field will appear above the date selection tool.
Positive answer label - The text in this field will show as the Positive answer to the additional info Question field.
Positive answer output - This field is used in email templates configured with placeholders to provide the email recipients with details or actions when the Positive answer label is selected.
Negative answer label - The text in this field will show as the Negative answer to the additional info Question field.
Negative answer output - This field is used in email templates configured with placeholders to provide the email recipients with details or actions when the Negative answer label is selected.
Second Option
Mandatory - Checking this box will force users to perform an upload to complete the Additional Info Commentary field before uploading data.
Additional Info Commentary - This is a free text field that allows the user performing an upload to add information related to the upload.
Email placeholders
The Positive and Negative output field contents can be placed in emails by editing templates under the Platform Customisation section of your Validis portal by a client Admin user profile.
To find the placeholders for both the outputs go to Portal Settings, select Emails, and choose the email template you would like to edit.
When editing the email select the Insert template button. This button contains a list of placeholders for various features and products enabled on your Validis portal.
Once you have the required placeholder you can insert it into the email template to display the Positive or Negative answer output configured for Additional Upload Information.
The functionality is built to be flexible enough to support different customer needs and scenarios. Here are some examples of how the functionality might be used by our Clients:
Below is a completed configuration form for the Additional Upload Information product completed by the Client Admin User
Here are how different elections on the form will appear to SME Contacts and users performing an upload:
First option selected on the configuration form
Both the First and Second options selected on the configuration form
Second Option selected on the configuration form