Locating the EULA Settings
Users with the appropriate access can add or modify the End User License Agreement (EULA) statement (also known as Terms & Conditions).
To access the EULA settings, select your user account at the top right-hand side and click on Settings.
Under Portal Settings, select the EULA option and on/off toggle to activate the EULA settings.
Once activated, you can upload a PDF document or use the Text/HTML editor if you want to create a EULA within the system.
Applying Changes to the EULA
To Upload a PDF document click the 'Upload Document' button and browse to the PDF you wish to upload.
You can add text and apply formatting using the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor seen below. The WYSIWYG editor is selected when highlighted in your portal's customized 'Primary color'.
Alternatively, you can click the 'HTML Editor' button on the right to switch and enter your custom HTML directly into the editor.
When you are finished making your changes be sure to click 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the page or all of your changes will be lost.